Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Going on a jet plane.

So i quit my job today. And i couldn't be happier. Now i have time to babysit, clean out my room, talk to school advisers, and of course hang out with people. I'm not going to indonesia and feel certain i've made the right decision staying in the USA this year. I'm going to Florida next thursday and will be there most of June. It should be fun. my family is planning stuff for us to do AS a camping. How fun...miserably hot at night i'm sure..but it should be a blast. I've recently started going to a new church called Cornerstone Church, and i really like it. There are alot of people my age, and it's solid. I've been having fun hanging out with my new friends, and making newer ones :) I can't wait to see my friends and family in Florida, even though it's only been 3 months..i think that's long enough.

Yay life :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008


The world lies in front of me like a blank canvas
The possibilities endless
Alone, but surrounded deeply by a love so intense and real
A heart aching to know more of your fullness, your joy, your love, more of You.
After years passed of mere religion and ideas the fullness of relationship is beginning to emerge.
Beautiful love. So intense. So intimate. Never ending.
The impossibilities of yesterday becoming possible today.
This is not my solo, but our duet. I can not do this on my own. But with the help of Love. You.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Through the solitude...I will draw closer to you.

I thought it might be time to write an update on my life since moving across the country :)

It has been just over 2 months since i packed up my things and drove across the country to my new home in Boulder, Colorado. My time here so far is super hard to explain. The first month here I had no job at all and spent a lot of time wallowing in self pity because i missed Florida (as badly as i was ready to get out)..and i wasted a lot of time doing..well..nothing. I got to see my friend Cheyanne and few times and meet some more of her friends in Fort Collins before i drove her back home (crested butte, Colorado) for the summer. After i got home from dropping her off last month, i finally got a job. I'm working at a deli and it's the most ridiculous job i've ever had. Yes, even more so than the telemarketing job. :) I started babysitting for a wonderful family here in boulder regularly, and they've offered me a room behind their house rent free in exchange for some babysitting. Total blessing, and answer to prayers, as the living situation i'm in right now tends to be a little difficult sometimes. I will be moving into town where i'll be closer to the mountains, and closer to...everything. :)

When i was in Crested butte i randomly heard about this college group call Christan Challenge back in Boulder that was supposed to be full of great people. So i went. I couldn't even make it 2 feet in the door before i was swamped with person after person introducing themselves and wanting to know about me. I was only able to go that one time, because i was babysitting the rest of the wednesdays before the group ended for the school year..but i met SO many people, and made a couple of really great friends. I can't wait to get to know more of them. I had tried another college group before that one, and tried connecting with people in other ways, but it wasn't happening. Before walking into Christian challenge that night, i literally prayed that i would be able to connect with these people, and that i could make some friends...and once again. He answered my prayers :)

The solitude has been such a change in my life. It's pushed me so much more deeply in Love with my BEST savior, my Lord...Scripture is becoming so alive to me. Verses i've read before that didn't mean anything to me at all are jumping out at me and touching my life on such a real level. I I'm finding that He is the one that is pursueing me. He wants to be with me. He wants to love on me. He wants to be in a LOVE relationship with me.

This move has NOT been easy. I'm still very much transitioning..I very much miss people back home, and find it hard being away from my family...since they are going through struggles of their own. There are very many uncertainties right now with school and such...but He said move...and I did. So i'm trusting Him for the rest. Though it's not been easy..i'm very much at peace where i am. I'm discovering myself in the process.

That's it :) kinda long..but whatever...if you made it to the end you're a trooper ;)