Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sweep me off my feet

I have watched 3 of my friends get married this summer. All 3 were beautiful weddings, all 3 made beautiful brides, and all 3 are incredibly happy. Having said that..it's gotten me thinking a lot about what i want my wedding to be like..when i'll meet someone...etc etc....

please know that this next portion is just me rambling about what's been going on in my head....you really don't have to read it if you don't want to...i just needed to write my emotions out.

I know that i'm not supposed to look for someone...i know that it'll happen, and i will be swept off my feet and that's super exciting. I've been obedient in the relationship area for the past several years. When i was 18 i broke up with a boy, and promised the Lord i wouldn't be in a relationship again for a year...time to focus on myself...it's been 4 years (in december)since then. The best 4 years of my life. I've learned so much about myself...i've allowed myself time to be healed from the inside out...i've discovered what it means to really be in relationship. A love relationship with my heavenly Father...I've enjoyed being young, and single..traveling..not being in school..Not living under my parents roof...moving to several different places and ending up in Boulder, Colorado where i knew next to nobody (other then you tirz) and I have grown to love this incredibly strange place so very much. Can i just say...I cannot wait to be swept off my feet. I can't wait to fall in love. I know i'm young, and that there is time...but i, like many other girls my age..want to meet the love of my life.

I've been in a wierd mood today...kinda lonely..even though i was with people most of the day. What ever...

I signed my lease today. i started my job yesterday. I've been house sitting for the last couple of nights. and i got to see one of my very best friends this past weekend. I should be happy..and i am. I think i'm just a hormonal grump today :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Back in Boulder

So i've been back in Colorado for 2 weeks and it's been great. Challenging to say the least, but great. In 2 weeks the Lord has provided me with a job. And a place to live! I am working at the Crocs Kiosk in the middle of the mall....yeah, i'm excited! i'm also nannying part time for a wonderful family here in Boulder. And i'm moving into a 4 bedroom town house on the 5th of August with 3 other girls. I'm WAY excited about that. God is crazy good. This summer has been really good. I'm nice and tan (still)..I got to be with my family and friends in Florida, now i'm in Colorado spending time with people here. Tomorrow i leave for Crested butte for my friend Hayden's wedding. 3rd wedding this summer! K so there's a nice blog for you. I was told by my friend Tirzah that there is no point to having a blog if you don't use it...which is true. :)