Wednesday, February 18, 2009

a year in a nutshell.

in about 2 weeks it'll be a year since i moved from Florida to "colorful" colorado. Seems like yesterday that i packed my things into little sid (my car) and drove away from cocoa to take the long drive to my new home in Colorado.

It's been an say the least. I lived in 3 different houses...possibly 4 by the time it's actually been a year. Had 2 jobs...wisited Florida 3 promoted at my current job...twice. Made some friends..not a ton...but some.

i've experienced alot of new things this year...for the first time ever i have gotten to experience life on my own...i mean..apart from my parents, and apart from Overland. I've gotten to decide what is and isn't "good choices"..i've made some good choices, and some not so good choices. I've been through some of the HARDEST crap i've ever dealt with.

Do i regret moving here? NOT a bit. I love it. Me and colorado have ourselves a love hate relationship..but i'm staying. I don't plan on leaving any time soon. I am working for crocs..and have been for the past 6 months. I'm the MIT of a stand in our mall right now but in April i'll be transfering out to Elitch Gardens (the amusement park in comparison to orlando.)..they have a store there and i will be managing it for the season. Jealous. ;)

I have really made some great friends out here...a few different groups of them..which is something i never had before either...kinda cool getting to choose the kind of people i want to spend my time with :)

Do i miss Florida? Absolutely...I miss the beach..i miss the heat even...most of all i miss the people. i miss seeing my little siblings grow up..and being around my friends in Overland (who for the most part aren't there now either).

Life is is what you make of it. It can really blow sometimes..i'm not going to lie...but take it for all it's worth and you can have alot of fun with it i think. big plans for the year...i'm just managing that store..hanging out..and looking into EMT class in the fall. We shall see. Living laughing and loving. :)

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